Never leave a True
Never leave a True relation for few falts…
Think just once
Nobody is perfect
Nobody is correct
and at the end
Affection is always greater then perfection..
Two mad men
Two mad men organized to
run away from the mental
Hospital, they started
and agreed that they will
go 2 d gate, beat up the
then open the gate n run
away…. When they
the Gate, the watchman wasn’t
there and the gate
wide open…they said ”SHIT
our plan has failed, lets go
we’ll try again tomorrow’
” Good Relations don’t need any promises,
” Good Relations don’t need any promises,
terms or conditions,
it just needs two wonderful people-
“one who can trust and one who can understand……”
Real Relationship
Real Relationship doesn’t mean NO
We fight….but after that, we forgive
each other…
and start loving each other more than
A very Meaningfull Line
A very Meaningfull Line For a True Relation.
“Always Hurt me With A Truth But Never Satisfy Me with A Lie”
- Relationship Stages -!
Strangers=> Friends => Close Friends => Crush => Relationship => Heart broken => Strangers <3